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4-Year Plan

Following is a 4-year plan for Environmental Science. You can also download a PDF of the 4-year plan.

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year

*Eligibility for MATH 143 based on ACT score. Students who are not eligible need to take both MATH 109 and MATH 110 as substitution courses.
1 Environmental Quality concentration area takes ENVS 377, 445, and 490, CHEM 221 and 222 and GEOL 450 and 470, and BIOL 407.
2 Soil and Water concentration area takes ENVS 357490. 493, and 495, and CHEM 221, and GEOL 433 and 450.
3 Geographic Information Science concentration area takes ENVS 357, 445, 473, 487, 493, and 494 and GEOL 450.
4 Must be selected from DANC, MUS, THEA, or VIAR.