Interdisciplinary team studies geologic processes in Mississippi River Delta area
Wed, 08/02/2017 - 9:51amAssistant Professor Rui Zhang in the School of Geosciences and Department of Physics at UL Lafayette is part of an interdisciplinary team that was awarded $349,174 in Restore Act funding to map shallow faults in coastal Louisiana. The project titled, “An evaluation of faulting in Holocene Mississippi River Delta strata through the merger of deep 3D and 2D seismic data with near surface imaging and measurement” is designed to provide new geological information Louisiana has vast amount of subsurface data that to date has been under-utilized for near-surface engineering applications outside of the energy sector.”
As stated in the proposal, "The objectives of our proposal are well aligned with the Center of Excellence (COE) Research Strategy, and the project is designed to produce data and results essential to understanding fundamental geologic processes operating in coastal Louisiana, with clear relevance to current and future Master Plan objectives”.
The project will be lead by Dr. : Mark Kulp, from University of New Orleans, and co-PIs include Dr. Nancye Dawers from Tulane University; Dr. Rui Zhang from University of Louisiana at Lafayette ; Dr. David Culpepper from The Culpepper Group; Dr. John Lopez from Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation; and Kevin Yeager, University of Kentucky.