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Fall research awards in GEOS

Durga D. Poudel, Professor of Environmental Science, received the  2017 Best Research Paper for Impact and Quality Honorable Mention Award from the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation on August 1, 2017 during the SWCS 72nd International Annual Conference, July 30-August 2, 2017 held in Monona Terrace Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.  The award was in recognition of the impact and the quality of the following research paper:

Poudel, D.D., T. Lee, R. Srinivasan, K.C. Abbaspour, and C.Y. Jeong. 2013. Assessment of seasonal and spatial variation of surface water quality, identification of factors associated with water quality variability, and the modeling of critical nonpoint source pollution areas in an agricultural watershed, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68(3): 155-171.

Terri Bannister, a recent UL Geology MS graduate, took first place in the student presentation competition at the annual URISA GISPro conference in Jacksonville FL on October, 24, 2017. The title of her presentation was "Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Map Change: Geohazards in the Churia Region of Nepal" and was based on her thesis research in Nepal. She received $500 and an arcGIS license free for 1yr.